Baywood State Evicted

The permanent tenants have returned to a building Baywood State has occupied for an indeterminate amount of time.  The  space was previously used by this college* for its temporary administration offices.  The former occupants showed up in force one morning and Baywood State staffers had to exit immediately.

“It was like a piece of cake dropped in an ant pile.  There were people with masks currying about everywhere.   Although we never felt in physical danger, it did give us a fright,” says Baywood State President Reagan Bush Lincoln the Third.  When asked who was there with him during the occupation he answered “There was me, myself and I.  You know, the royal we.  There was a guy with a mop some days.  Good Guy.  Shared his bologna with me.”

A spokesman for the actual tenant was unavailable for comment and local authorities declined to comment on any pending trespassing charges.

“I have no idea about any stolen ‘Do Not Enter’ signs.  Video? It won’t stand up in court!.”

Baywood State is the only college* in America offering a BS in BS for the price of a sweatshirt.  BS, it seems, is the only major offered at this school.  People who are interested should make their way to


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