The Cheapest College in America*
It took some time, but Baywood State is now comfortable with its branding as the “cheapest college in America.”* We’ve been dogged by such rumors for some time now. Initially, we were the least expensive university in California,* then apparently that acclaim spread across these United States of America. Truth be told ( and truth is rare at BS), Baywood State considers it an honor to have not one current matriculate using a student college loan to pay off college debt. Not to say some students haven’t tried, but the lenders weren’t interested in extending a $38 loan, the cost of a Baywood State degree. They also expressed having an issue with our accreditation, which was clearly B.S..
What we are also comfortable with is the asterisk that often follows the words “college” or “university.” We knew it was inevitable. When you introduce something as innovative and inspiring as Baywood State, there will be detractors. Sure, we aren’t a real college or university, so you might feel these asterisk-ers have a valid point. That part is hard to argue. In fact, we make that clear on every web page and in every video. But why would these punctuation fiends bother? You’d think they have enough to do sticking to pharmaceutical and reverse mortgage ads.
This 8-second clip will graphically outline the spiraling costs of traditional higher education choices:
Time to enroll, graduate and wear a cool sweatshirt by clicking here!