The Rising Cost of a College Diploma

   Some people will say that Higher Education isn't for everybody.  At Baywood State, we think all education, no matter how tall, is good for everybody.  As the only college in America offering a B.S. in B.S. (for the cost of a sweatshirt), we think with this statement it's more about the semantics.   College, in the traditional sense, isn't for everybody.  Probably not even for most people.   

   Why shouldn't most go on to college?  Look at the following chart outlining how the costs of consumer items or programs have decreased or increased over the last twenty years:


TVs -96%
Toys -67%
Software -66%
Wireless Service -45%
Clothing -5%
Household Furnishings -2%
New Cars +2%
Housing +61%
Groceries +64%
Medical Care +105%
Childcare +122%
College Tuition +197%
Textbooks +207%

   What stands out here?  Yes, that Samsung 42" TV you paid $1500 for in 2005 now sells for $300.  A depressing thought for sure.

   Look at the bottom of this table: The expense of college tuition and textbooks have skyrocketed over this period.  Nothing, not even healthcare or the cost of a good babysitter, has gone up in expense at such a warped speed.

   A fledging matriculate has to consider all the costs associated with obtaining that elusive diploma.  Money lenders are making out nicely: Tuition and Books are twice what they were twenty years ago, and housing and groceries have gone up dramatically as well.  Consequently, students have racked up over 1.5 Trillion dollars in student loan debt.  Not individually, of course, but as a group.

   I hope you can see Baywood State is doing what it can to help aspiring students.

Reagan Bush Lincoln the Third

President-Baywood State University*


* Baywood State
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