The Psychology of the Silly Shirt

   Here is a question I grapple with daily: Is there a place in this world during these times for funny shirts or silly sweatshirts?  It’s not quite as important as something like the Big Bang Theory or whether Darwinism is a crock, but on the other hand for those “in the business” that answer could be life changing.  If you have forgotten the question read the first sentence again and go buy some ginkgo biloba. 

    The comedian Steve Martin once asked “What is comedy?  Comedy is the art of making people laugh without making them puke!” Wise words indeed, words that frankly have absolutely nothing to do with this electrifying topic.

    Yes, silly shirts and funny sweatshirts are an important part of the world’s recovery from all things bad.  Unless the shirt itself is bad, which actually will still work out because the two "bads" will cancel themselves out and then all will be good.  Trust me on this. It’s not BS!

    Here is a preview of our newest shirt release:

   Ok, kidding, they would look more like this:

   And designed and printed by the wonderful ThreadHead embroidery, screen printing, and design shop, located in San Luis Obispo.  They are the best, and that is no BS!

  Alas, we need to sell some sweatshirts first.  Here!

  Reagan Bush Lincoln the Third

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