Our Story

   In 1997, Rusty Evans had a vision. Possibly a sign from the Heavens. One cold and foggy morning he woke up in a sweat. His mind was racing. Some have said it was divine intervention. Others said it was too much caffeine. Nevertheless, a thorn was plucked from his side that morning. He would finally get the college degree he had missed out on years earlier. How? By founding Baywood State University, the only college in America offering a BS in BS.*

   Since then, Baywood State has grown to be the largest college of its kind in, well, Baywood. And for a limited time you can get your BS Diploma for the price of a sweatshirt (you get the sweatshirt too.) $38 and you are enrolled and graduated.

*Needless to say critics will tell you this college is just BS. It is BS. That’s the point! But the sweatshirt is real and official unofficial diploma is on actual paper!



Reprinted with permission from New Times magazine, newtimesslo.com.